2008年11月11日 星期二

Boyzone 男孩特區 - Back Again... No Matter What

Boyzone 男孩特區 Back Again... No Matter What
專輯名稱:Back Again... No Matter What/The Greatest Hits 藝人姓名:男孩特區 發行時間:2008年10月12日 發行公司:Polydor 專輯風格:pop 專輯簡介: 曾經紅遍全球的男生組合 Boyzone 雖然已經解散多年,但他們留下的美妙歌聲直到今天依舊令人難忘。 這張專輯是他們最新的一張精選輯,收錄了不少經典作品。 專輯曲目: 01. No Matter What 02. Baby Can I Hold You 03. Love You Anyway 04. Words 05. Love Me For A Reason 06. A Different Beat 07. All That I Need 08. Better 09. You Needed Me 10. Father And Son 11. Can't Stop Thinking About You 12. I Love The Way You Love Me 13. Coming Home Now 14. Isn't It A Wonder 15. Picture Of You 16. Every Day I Love You 17. Life Is A Rollercoaster (Live)

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Keane 基因樂團 - Perfect Symmetry

Keane 基因樂團 - Perfect Symmetry
唱片公司:Interscope/Island 發行日期:2008年10月14日 歌曲風格:Alt. Rock 專輯語言:英語 專輯曲目: 01. Spiralling 02. Lovers Are Losing 03. Better Than This 04. You Haven't Told Me Anything 05. Perfect Symmetry 06. You Don't See Me 07. Again & Again 08. Playing Along 09. Pretend That You're Alone 10. Black Burning Heart 11. Love Is the End

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Laura Pausini 蘿拉普西妮 - Primavera In Anticipo

Laura Pausini 蘿拉普西妮 - Primavera In Anticipo
專輯類別:音樂 / 歐美流行 壓縮比特率:Vbr 190Kbps 授權方式:共享版 發行年份:2008 音樂流派:POP 專輯簡介: 意大利首席女聲 Laura Pausini 蘿拉普西妮 Laura 的新專輯名稱為 Primavera in Anticipo (義) / Primavera Anticipada (西) 這一張專輯,是意大利一姐 Laura Pausini 在 2008年發行的全新專輯《Primavera In Anticipo》,也是她的第十張個人錄音室專輯, 最早將於 11月14號正式發售。這是專輯的意大利語版,西班牙語版。En Cambio No 將是墨西哥電視劇 En Nombre del Amor 的主題曲, Laura 與 James Blunt 的對唱曲為專輯同名歌曲 (有拍 MV),(因此目前已確定的曲目為 "Invece No" 及 "Primavera in Anticipo")。 Laura 花了約一年的時間,在義大利、倫敦及洛杉磯錄制新專輯。根據 Warner Music Italy 的網頁說明,專輯發行日期預定為 11月14日。 至於其它區...不知。巡回演唱會可能從 2009年02月開始 ?! (仍待官網宣布) 根據西班牙電臺節目 "Dialtalcual" 09月20日的內容 -10月18日,Laura 將出席西班牙電臺 "Cadena Dial" 的活動 [Gala "Lo mejor de aqui y de alli"] 這天將首次現場演唱單曲 "En Cambio No" (這個活動 Luis Fonsi 似乎也會參加,或許兩人有機會合唱一下) -同一天 Laura 還將接受 Cadena Dial 的電臺節目 "Dial tal cual" 的訪問,會在節目上談新專輯 -10月04日將在西班牙電臺首播 "En Cambio No" 中國有鄧麗君,意大利有 Laura Pausini,我相信 Laura Pausini 的名字,對於每一個歐美音樂的 fans 來說,對於如今的流行樂壇來說, 已經不僅僅是一位歌手的名字,而是一個輝煌的音樂傳奇。Laura Pausini 的這張新專輯,同 Tiziano Ferro 的新專輯一樣,匯聚了很多 知名歌手的音樂人的力量。一共十四首歌曲,Laura 本人幾乎是包辦了歌詞的創作,而在作曲方面,她也展現了功時,同時著名音樂人 Paolo Carta、Gianluca Grignani 和 Antonio Galbiati 等人,也會別在作曲方面建功。之前早早就放出消息說,在新專輯中,Laura 將和紅得發紫的 James Blunt 有合作,而這也成了新專輯的最大亮點,主打歌《primavera in anticipo》就是由二人共同演唱的。 之前的網志裡我也曾給大家介紹了 Laura Pausini 在 2008年的新單曲《Invece No》(西班牙語版《En Cambio No》) , 那今天這裡,你可以在線上完整收聽新專輯中的這首《Mille Braccia》,這是新專輯中我相當喜歡的一首歌, Laura 極富穿透性的嗓音,加上鮮明的節奏,聽上去讓人相當的有力量。 Tracklist 專輯曲目: 01. Mille Braccia 02. Invece No 03. Primavera In Anticipo (It Is My Song) - (feat. James Blunt) 04. Nel Modo Piu Sincero Che C'e 05. Un Fatto Ovvio 06. Il Mio Beneficio 07. Prima Che Esci 08. Piu Di Ieri 09. Bellissimo Cosi 10. L'impressione 11. La Geografia Del Mio Cammino 12. Ogni Colore Al Cielo 13. Sorella Terra 14. Un Giorno Dove Vivere (iTunes Bonus) 15. Agora Nao (iTunes Bonus)

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[電影原聲帶] Miracle at St. Anna 聖安娜奇跡

[電影原聲帶] Miracle at St. Anna 聖安娜奇跡
專輯歌手:Terence Blanchard 專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 發行時間:2008年09月23日 授權方式:共享版 授權版本:Score 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 專輯介紹: 還記得以前 Spike Lee 的《Miracle at St. Anna》嗎?電影仍然遙遠,據說要到 2009年才能上映,咱們的消息還要跟它兩年。 現在一號男主角的人選已經敲定了,據說在最初是要邀請動作派影星 Wesley Snipes 的,可他卻由於個人原因無法離開美國前往影片拍攝地意大利。最終確定的主角是頗受矚目的年輕一代演員 Derek Luke。不過這個結果是我希望看到的,我個人認為對於一部表現二戰中黑人部隊英勇史實的電影,主角選用動作派出身的老演員 Wesley Snipes 多少會讓人很難沖破他以往電影中的角色。如果選擇年輕的 Derek Luke,會讓人擁有更多的新鮮感,他在《Catch a Fire》中的表演也很對《Miracle at St. Anna》的味道,就好像 Denzel 曾經拿到奧斯卡最佳男配角的《Glory》一樣。 電影故事發生在意大利,意大利在文藝復興時期的建築風格,盡管在部分歐洲國家也有一些,但為了電影的真實,Spike Lee 作出了意大利實地取景拍攝的決定。盡管影片拍攝還在準備階段,不過 Touchstone(試金石公司)已經開始商談電影的發行問題,這部電影頗受關注。 除 Derek Luke 外,《Barbershop》系列中的 Michael Ealy 也會加盟,他的外形特別像二戰時期的黑人形象。還有經常演軍人形象的 Laz Alonso。特型演員(胖)Omar Benson Miller。另外有兩名白人演員 John Turturro 和 James Gandolfini,估計是反派了。 這種影片表現黑人軍隊的電影,演員實在太多,一一介紹不太現實了,還是靜候後續消息吧。 原聲介紹: Very thanks to scorenotes about the next soundtrack explaining! About the Soundtrack: Again reuniting with Spike Lee, composer Terence Blanchard continues his ongoing collaboration with the director for "Miracle at St. Anna," a film set in World War 2 depicting the hardships of four african-american soldiers trapped behind enemy lines. The soundtrack is comprised of 24 tracks (75 minutes!), all of which is bona fide score material, and is arranged primarily as various theme sets. Regarding its length -- there is a great wealth of music on this release, including some tracks that are over 10 minutes long, thus the running time is above average. What You Need to Know: Pre-conceptions can, at times, lead to disappointment. That is the case here as it relates to my expectations from this score. Given that the storyline of the film brimmed with promise, I was hoping the score would be a soaring, dramatic body of work that would move me. What I ended up with was a score that didn't really hit it's stride until the final act, which by then, was too late. The soundtrack begins deliberately, with a slow moving pace that is geared toward a build up of some sort that finally arrives in track 5. That some of these initial tracks were dubbed as "themes" was a little confusing since I couldn't really detect a significant enough a motif that can categorize them as so. And speaking of which -- many of the tracks laid out on this score are indeed represented as "themes" in their titles, such as the "War is Hell" theme that appears three times in all on the soundtrack. While I love the promise of a score that categorizes segments of is music as related themes, I think it is even more important to deliver on these titles with material that is significant enough to be categorized as such. Focusing on the most effective of the themes, the aforementioned "War is Hell" is the best of the lot. It's in these tracks that Blanchard hits dramatic crescendos that I felt was necessary for a film such as this. The three cues from the 'War is Hell' segment are broken apart at different points on the album but are connected thematically in their structure and vary in tone when needed. Paced intermittently by military style drum rolls and percussion, I really enjoyed these pockets of music, including the cue that spans over 10 minutes in length (which very well felt like a suite). The Main Theme that begins so weakly at the outset of the soundtrack later resurfaces near the album's conclusion to a far better fate. As I mentioned earlier, Blanchard hits his stride late in the game on this one and a lot of that has to do with how well the Main Theme is presented in it's final rendition. Likewise, the end credits, where the music offered a bit of a better, dramatic flow to it. I suppose my key issue with "Miracle at St. Anna" is that the score never quite seemed to present itself in a unified manner. There is a sour palette that is often heard through the notes and felt as if the instruments never quite seemed to synchronize. Granted, I am certain it was Blanchard's intention to force the music to be at odds with itself, specifically when dealing with the Nazis, but I was hoping for a bit more poignancy from the work. At no time was I taken aback with emotion nor did I ever feel a strong connection with the style of music. Final Score: A bit of a misfire, "Miracle at St. Anna" isn't all too bad but it simply doesn't offer enough consistency or emotion throughout. Granted, the soundtrack produces a nice send off with it's final 5 tracks, but there are too many lukewarm moments to get through to truly enjoy the payoff. I'd take a pass on this one. 原聲作者介紹:
出生於 1962年03月13日,曾經在紐約居住了 16年,現為新奧爾良居民的 Terence Blanchard,不但是今天最受贊譽的小號手之一,而且躋身於這個時代最多產的作曲家行列。五歲時開始學習鋼琴,小學三年級的一個學校集會看到小號手 Alvin Alcorn 的爵士樂表演之後,便投身學習爵士小號。Blanchard 的音樂偶像包括 Miles Davis, Clifford Brown, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk 和 Duke Ellington。 在成為一個專業的小號手前,Blanchard 是傳奇爵士鼓手 Art Blakey 的"爵士信使"(Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers)的成員。離開 Art Blakey 的樂團之後,他和另外一名爵士信使樂團資深成員、薩克斯演奏家 Donald Harrison 組成自己得樂團,並在八十年代中期共同帶領樂團發行了五張唱片。從九十年代起,Blanchard 開始單獨領團演奏,並親自操刀音樂的錄制工作。除了電影配樂方面的成績,樂團同時發行了六張唱片。最近的一張唱片"心語傾訴"(The Heart Speaks)(哥倫比亞唱片公司/索尼發行) 獲得了 1996年的格萊美音樂獎提名。 二十世紀九十年代給 Blanchard 開辟了另一條事業道路。從 1990年獲得格萊美音樂獎提名的電影原聲專輯"更多更好的布魯斯"(Mo'Better Blues)(哥倫比亞唱片公司/索尼發行) 開始,Blanchard 逐漸成為著名黑人導演 Spike Lee 的御用電影配曲作曲家,其音樂還出現在電影"叢林熱"(Jungle Fever)(環球影業)、"馬爾科姆 X"(Maclcolm X) (華納兄弟影業)、"乘車"(Get on the bus)(環球影業)、"格魯克林"(Grooklyn)(環球影業) 和獲奧斯卡提名的"四個小姑娘"(Four Little Girls)(HBO 電影公司),Blanchard 因此獲得艾美獎的提名。Blanchard 也為電影"蜜糖山"(Sugar Hill)(二十世紀福克斯公司)、"恩賜之地"(The Promised Land)(HBO 電影公司)、Gia (BBC/Discovery) 以及"伊甸園之外"(Free of Eden)(演出時刻電影公司) 和"夏娃的復仇"(Eve's Bayou)(MCA/環球影業) 的作曲配樂而倍受好評。深具天賦而一絲不茍的 Terence Blanchard 無疑是當代的頂尖藝術家之一。 專輯曲目: 01. Opening Credits 1:11 02. Main Theme 4:04 03. Tim Boyle Theme 4:12 04. The Primavera 0:57 05. War Is Hell 11:58 06. Theme Of An Angel Part 1 3:00 07. White Commander 0:55 08. Renata You're Beautiful Theme 1:47 09. Third Reich 5:13 10. Great Butterfly Part 1 1:45 11. Paisans Theme Part 1 2:31 12. Stamps & Bishop Argue 1:36 13. Main Theme At Herbs 3:50 14. Theme Of An Angel Part 2 1:17 15. Paisans Theme Part 2 1:46 16. Main Theme - The Prayer 1:11 17. Renata You're Beautiful Theme / Bishop And Renata 1:23 18. Paisans / The Massacre 1:21 19. Great Butterfly Part 2 5:31 20. War Is Hell / Final Battle 7:14 21. Theme Of An Angel Part 3 2:17 22. War Is Hell / Mourn The Dead 2:36 23. Finale Theme 3:45 24. End Credits 4:36

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