LiveKill Clean Messenger RC3 Build 1256
Portable 清除 MSN 病毒 - 免安裝版
Portable 清除 MSN 病毒 - 免安裝版
近年 Windows Live Messenger 的相簿病毒十分流行。如果你的朋友無緣無故說要跟你分享相簿,這可能是他 / 她中了這毒。很多朋友都不懂如何處理這問題。
LiveKill Clean Messenger 就是針對 Windows Live Messenger 相簿病毒一類的東西而設計,可以在 Windows XP 與 Vista 環境之下使用,而且會自動進行病毒定義更新。如果下次你發現有朋友中了這類病毒,不妨把這軟件推薦給他們。
The virus circulating through the network of MSN Messenger has become a nightmare for many users who can not get rid of malware that has infected their computers.
Thanks to LiveKill Clean Messenger can combat viruses and trojans are distributed via the messaging client from Microsoft.
Suitable for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger, Messenger LiveKill Clean has two different versions: one for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
The branch of virus against which LiveKill Clean Messenger is more effective is one that is infected by an executable file, hidden inside a ZIP, which suggests the user to view a particular photograph of a party, trip, etc..
分享你生命中快樂的事 分享你生命中難過的事 分享你生命中一切的一切
你會發現 分享也是一種獲得
你會發現 分享也是一種獲得
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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~