2008年12月4日 星期四

Анджей Сапковский "Кровь эльфов" (аудиокнига)

Анджей Сапковский
"Кровь эльфов"
Перевод: Е.Вайсброт «СиДиКом» 2003 Читает: Сергей Кирсанов. Время звучания: 12 ч. 22 мин. Формат: MP3 112 kbps mono Размер: 735 MB Маленькая принцесса Цири из Цинтры, — девочка, чья судьба неразрывно связана с простым ведьмаком — представителем исчезающей профессии, является, как гласят пророчества, носительницей «старшей» — эльфийской крови. Ставшая Предназначением Геральта, юная Цири под покровительством ведьмаков проходит подготовку в их замке. Одновремено в ней начинают пробуждаться магические способности... Анджей Сапковский - один из тех редких авторов, чьи произведения не просто обрели в нашей стране культовый статус, но стали частью РОССИЙСКОЙ фантастики. Более того, Сапковский - писатель, обладающий талантом творить АБСОЛЮТНО ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЕ фэнтези, полностью свободные от влияния извне, однако связанные с классической мифологической традицией. Книги Спаковского не просто блистательны по литературности формы и глубине содержания. Они являют собою картину мира - мира «меча и магии», мира искрометного юмора, не только захватывающего внимание читателя, но и трогающего его душу. Читайте сагу о Цири и Геральте!
735 мб /3% вост.
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Securing Windows Server 2008 (E-Book)

Securing Windows Server 2008
2008 PDF ~13MB
Microsoft hails the latest version of its flagship server operating system, Windows Server 2008, as "the most secure Windows Server ever". However, to fully achieve this lofty status, system administrators and security professionals must install, configure, monitor, log, and troubleshoot a dizzying array of new features and tools designed to keep the bad guys out and maintain the integrity of their network servers. This is no small task considering the market saturation of Windows Server and the rate at which it is attacked by malicious hackers. According to IDC, Windows Server runs 38% of all network servers. This market prominence also places Windows Server at the top of the SANS top 20 Security Attach Targets. The first five attack targets listed in the SANS top 20 for operating systems are related to Windows Server. This doesn't mean that Windows is inherently less secure than other operating systems; it's simply a numbers game. More machines running Windows Server. More targets for attackers to hack. As a result of being at the top of the "most used" and "most hacked" lists, Microsoft has released a truly powerful suite of security tools for system administrators to deploy with Windows Server 2008. This book is the comprehensive guide needed by system administrators and security professionals to master seemingly overwhelming arsenal of new security tools including: 1. Network Access Protection, which gives administrators the power to isolate computers that don't comply with established security policies. The ability to enforce security requirements is a powerful means of protecting the network. 2. Enhanced solutions for intelligent rules and policies creation to increase control and protection over networking functions, allowing administrators to have a policy-driven network. 3. Protection of data to ensure it can only be accessed by users with the correct security context, and to make it available when hardware failures occur. 4. Protection against malicious software with User Account Control with a new authentication architecture. 5. Increased control over your user settings with Expanded Group Policy. …to name just a handful of the new security features. In short, Windows Server 2008 contains by far the most powerful and complex suite of security tools ever released in a Microsoft Server product. Securing Windows Server 2008 provides system administrators and security professionals with the knowledge they need to harness this power.
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Nanoelectronics and Photonics (E-Book)

Nanoelectronics and Photonics
From Atoms to Materials, Devices, and Architectures (Nanostructure Science and Technology)
2008 PDF ~12MB
Nanoelectronics and Photonics: From Atoms to Materials, Devices, and Architectures provides a description of the core elements and challenges of advanced and future information technology. Tutorial chapters from leaders in the field cover fundamental topics ranging from materials to devices to system architecture. By linking the materials physics and chemistry at the atomic scale with device and circuit design and performance requirements, the book presents a coherent picture of theoretical and experimental research efforts and technology development in this highly interdisciplinary area. Short visionary articles by Nicolaas Bloembergen, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1981), Konstantin Likharev, distinguished professor at Stony Brook University, and Stanley Williams, senior fellow and director of the Quantum Science Research group at Hewlett-Packard, offer unique perspectives and insights. Nanoelectronics and Photonics is essential reading for researchers and graduate students in materials science, device physics, and electrical and computer engineering. Key Features: Provides an authoritative overview of the current status and future trends of nanoelectronics and photonics Presents broad-ranging tutorials on both theoretical and experimental aspects of key topics in nanotechnology Written by recognized international experts in each area Addresses the needs of both graduate students and nanotechnology"gurus"
Password: www.2baksa.net

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CardRecovery v4.10.1220 數據恢復工具

CardRecovery 數據恢復工具
官方網址:http://www.cardrecovery.com/ 檔案版本:4.10.1220 檔案語言:英文 軟體簡介: CardRecovery 是一款用於數碼相機使用的數碼記憶卡的照片恢復軟體。該軟體可以從不同的記憶卡有效地恢復丟失,被刪除,毀壞或者格式化的照片文件。該軟體支援大多數的記憶卡類型,包括:SmartMedia,Compact Flash CF,Secure Digital Card SD,Memory Stick,MicroDrive,xD Picture Card,Multimedia Card MMC 等等。該數碼照片恢復軟體是一款用於圖像恢復,圖片恢復,照片挽救,數據恢復,照片恢復或者無論文件是否被刪除,存儲是否被破壞或者格式化而進行數字媒體恢復的強大的數據恢復工具。 CardRecovery 使用一種獨特且唯一的可以完美地完成那些其它的恢復軟體不可能完成的恢復任務的 SmartScan 技術,SmartScan 可以快速地定位和恢復其它恢復軟體從來不會找到的文件。 原文翻譯: Card Recovery 是全球領先的照片恢復軟件,記憶卡所使用的數碼相機。它可以有效地收復失地,刪除,損壞或格式化的照片和視頻文件,從不同的記憶卡。它支持幾乎所有的記憶卡類型包括的 SD(安全數字)卡,CF(下緊湊閃光)卡,xD 圖像卡,記憶棒,MicroDrive 卡,SmartMedia 卡來說,MMC(多媒體),微型,迷你,兼容 SDHC 卡和更多。 Card Recovery 屢獲殊榮的數碼照片恢復軟件是可靠的解決方案為數字圖像復原,數字圖像復原,數字媒體的復甦,照片拯救,照片恢復,數據恢復,或是否文件被刪除,存儲已損壞或格式化。 我們獨特的和排他 SmartsSan 技術完成那些不可能回收的任務,其他的軟件不能觸摸 - SmartScan 迅速查找並還原檔案,其他恢復軟件永遠無法找到。 使用 CardRecovery 是安全和無風險的。軟件執行唯讀的行動,在您的記憶卡。它沒有移動,刪除,修改的數據卡,以避免造成進一步的損害或改寫。它復甦的照片和電影剪輯,從源頭上記憶卡和保存他們的目的地您指定的位置。 Card Recovery 特點 •恢復已刪除的照片從記憶卡。 •恢復丟失的照片從記憶卡。 •收回的照片從格式化記憶卡。 •收回的照片損壞,無法讀取或有缺陷的內存卡。 •收回的圖片從移動存儲,包括軟盤,硬盤等郵編 •收回的圖片,音頻/視頻,mp3/mp4 文件從手機,MP3 播放機,PDA 等裝置。 一.支持存儲 •緊湊的閃存卡,CF 卡復甦 •大容量記憶棒,Memory Stick Duo 記憶卡的 Memory Stick PRO,記憶棒復甦 •安全數碼卡,SD 卡,迷你,微型,TransFlash 內存卡復甦 •多媒體卡,MMC 卡復甦 •SmartMedia,SM 的卡復甦 •xD 圖像卡復甦 •微型驅動器,微型復甦 •蜂窩電話,PDA,MP3 和 MP4 播放器數碼媒體復甦 •軟盤,Zip 磁盤的數字圖像恢復 二.支援情況 •照片刪除,意外地或故意從記憶卡。 •照片的損失,由於格式或"全部刪除"操作。 •記憶卡錯誤或損壞,或無法進入的記憶卡。 •腐敗現象是由於該卡被退出,而您的相機是對的。 •損害是由於把您的相機小康期間,寫/讀的過程。 •數據損壞是由於關鍵領域的損害,例如,劉皇發根,啟動區的損害。 •數據丟失是由於使用不同的相機/電腦/設備。 •其他活動可能造成損害的數據。 三. 支援圖片類型 •常見的圖片格式:JPG 格式的 JPEG tif 的 GIF tif 巴紐骨形態發生蛋白 •常見的視頻格式:哩的 AVI 的 MPEG mov 的 ASF •最常用的音頻格式:MP3 播放的 MP4 wav • RAW圖像格式:尼康的 NEF,佳能 crw 枚 CR2,柯達公司的 DCR,柯尼卡美能達 mrw,富士英國皇家空軍,西格瑪 x3f,賓得 pef,索尼的成果,奧林巴斯的 ORF 和更多。 四. 支援相機品牌 •尼康,佳能,柯達,富士,卡西歐,奧林巴斯,索尼,三星,松下 •富士,柯尼卡 - 美能達,惠普,愛克發,NEC 公司,怡敏信,三洋,愛普生,IBM 公司,金星 •LG 電子,夏普,Lexar 的,三菱,京瓷公司,JVC 公司,徠卡,菲利浦,東芝,SanDisk 公司 •謝農,理光,日立,賓得,kinon,逐字,vivitar,雅西卡,耳戈斯,lumix •寶麗萊,Sigma 及幾乎所有數碼相機品牌在市場上。 五.支援 Flash 記憶卡製造商 •SanDisk 公司,金士頓,Kingmax 的,索尼,Lexar 的,pny,勁永,東芝,松下 •富士,三星,佳能,qmemory,超越,Apacer 宇瞻,希旺,日立 •奧林巴斯,Simpletech,海盜,OCZ 的快閃媒體,三磷酸腺甘,delkin 設備,數據 •和幾乎所有的數碼相機記憶卡的品牌在市場上。 六.卡復甦指南 • 恢復已刪除的圖片 • SD卡復甦 • CF卡復甦 • xD 圖像卡復甦 • 記憶棒復甦 • 記憶卡錯誤及解決方案 • 更多指南... 七. 系統要求 •在 Microsoft Windows 95/98/nt/2000/me/xp/2003/vista •連 64MB 的 RAM 或以上 •免費硬盤空間 2MB 的安裝 •免費硬盤空間 128 或以上的照片掃描&復甦 •1 記憶卡讀卡器,如果您的相機不能顯示為一個驅動器號 CardRecovery is the leading photo recovery software for memory card used by digital camera. It can effectively recover lost, deleted, corrupted or formatted photos and video files from various memory cards. It supports almost all memory card types including SD (Secure Digital) Card, CF (Compact Flash) Card, xD Picture Card, Memory Stick, MicroDrive, SmartMedia Card, MMC (MultiMediaCard), MicroSD, MiniSD, SDHC and more. CardRecovery, the award-winning digital photo recovery software is the reliable solution for digital image recovery, digital picture recovery, digital media recovery, photo rescue, photo restore, data recovery, or whether files were deleted, the storage was damaged or formatted. Our unique and exclusive SmartScan technology completes those impossible recovery tasks that other software cannot touch -- SmartScan quickly locates and restores files that other recovery software could never find. Using CardRecovery is safe and risk-free. The software performs READ-ONLY operations on your memory card. It doesn't move, delete, and modify the data on the card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting. It recovers the photos and movie clips from the source memory card and saves them to the destination location you specify. CardRecovery Features: Recover deleted photos from memory cards. Recover lost photos from memory cards. Recover photos from formatted memory cards. Recover photos from damaged, unreadable or defective memory cards. Recover pictures from removable storage including floppy disks, Zip disks etc. Recover images, audio/video, MP3/MP4 files from cellular phones, MP3 players, PDAs. Supported Storage: Compact Flash card, CF card recovery Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick Pro, Memory Stick Pro Duo recovery Secure Digital card, SD card, miniSD, MicroSD, TransFlash memory card recovery MultiMedia card, MMC card recovery SmartMedia, SM card recovery xD Picture card recovery Micro Drive, MicroDrive recovery Cellular phone, PDA, MP3 and MP4 player digital media recovery Floppy disk, Zip disk digital image recovery Supported Situations: Photos deleted accidentally or intentionally from memory cards. Photo loss due to formatting or "Delete All" operation. Memory card error or damage, or inaccessible memory card. Corruption due to the card being pulled out while your camera is on. Damage due to turning your camera off during a write/read process. Data corruption due to critical areas damage e.g. FAT, ROOT, BOOT area damage. Data loss due to using between different cameras/computers/devices. Other events that could cause damage to data. Supported Photo Types: Common Picture Formats: JPG JPEG TIF GIF TIF PNG BMP Common Video Formats: AVI MPG MPEG MOV ASF MP4 Common Audio Formats: MP3 WAV RAW Image Formats: Nikon NEF, Canon CRW and CR2, Kodak DCR, Konica Minolta MRW, Fuji RAF, Sigma X3F, Pentax PEF, Sony SRF, Olympus ORF and more. Supported Camera Brands: Nikon, Canon, Kodak, FujiFilm, Casio, Olympus, Sony, SamSung, Panasonic, Fuji, Konica-Minolta, HP, Agfa, NEC, Imation, Sanyo, Epson, IBM, Goldstar, LG, SHARP, Lexar, Mitsubishi, Kyocera, JVC, Leica, Phillips, Toshiba, SanDisk, Chinon, Ricoh, Hitachi, Pentax, Kinon, Verbatim, Vivitar, Yashica, Argus, Lumix, Polaroid, Sigma and almost all digital camera brands in the market. Supported Flash Memory Card Manufacturers: SanDisk, Kingston, KingMax, Sony, Lexar, PNY, PQI, Toshiba, Panasonic, FujiFilm, Samsung, Canon, Qmemory, Transcend, Apacer, PRETEC, HITACHI, Olympus, SimpleTech, Viking, OCZ Flash Media, ATP, Delkin Devices, A-Data and almost all digital camera memory card brands in the market. System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista RAM 64MB or above Free hard drive space 2MB for Card Recovery software Installation Free hard drive space 128MB or above for storage of recovered photos A memory card reader if your camera cannot appear as a drive letter
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