2008年12月5日 星期五

Building Acoustics (E-Book)

Building Acoustics (E-Book)
Covering all aspects of sound and vibration in buildings, this book explores room acoustics, sound insulation, and noise and vibration problems connected to service equipment and external sources. Measuring techniques connected to these fields are also brought in. It is designed for advanced level engineering studies and is also valuable as a guide for practitioners and acoustic consultants who need to fulfil the demands of building regulations. The main focus of the book is on the design of elements and structures to provide high sound insulation and high absorbing power, emphasising the acoustical performance of buildings. Examples are predominantly taken from industrial buildings and understanding of the physical principles involved is therefore essential. Chapters include: vibration phenomena, sound waves in fluids and solid media.
2008 PDF ~5MB
Password: www.2baksa.net

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