2008年10月15日 星期三

Ne-Yo 尼歐 - Year Of The Gentleman

Ne-Yo 尼歐 - Year Of The Gentleman
發行日期:2008年9月11日 唱片公司:Def Jam 歌曲風格:R & B 專輯語言:英語 專輯介紹: 在這張專輯中,可感受到他想演繹有別於前兩張風格的 R&B,Ne-Yo 指出在 1960年代的鼠黨 "Rat Pack",小山米戴維斯 (Sammy Davis Jr.) 和法蘭克辛納屈 (Frank Sinatra),他們的風格啟發了他這次專輯的靈感與造型。 而這次他最高興的事,莫過於能與自己從小到大的偶像麥可傑克森 (Michael Jackson) 製作新歌「Nobody」,雖然曲中沒有提及任何關於麥可的字眼,但由編曲和旋律上就可以找到蛛絲馬跡。另外談到為初戀情人所寫的歌「Stop This World」,這位他 16歲時所交往的初戀情人如今已嫁為人婦並且當媽媽了,如今是好友關係。若以 Ne-Yo 所說的在每張專輯都會為初戀情人寫歌,那這位舊情人還真是幸福呢。 這次專輯中除了有輕鬆愉快的「So You Can Cry」以及充滿畫面的「Mad」,另外嘗試披頭四的搖滾風格「What's The Matter」,整張專輯值得期待。 "Closer," written by Ne-Yo and produced by Stargate, is the first single from Ne-Yo's upcoming third album, YEAR OF THE GENTLEMAN, set to arrive in stores June 24th. It is the follow-up to Because Of You (released May 2007), which received this year's Grammy Award for Best Contemporary R&B Album, and In My Own Words (February 2006) - both of which debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 and R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts. In addition to his Contemporary R&B Album award, Ne-Yo earned four other Grammy nominations this year, including two for his collaboration with Rihanna, "Hate That I Love You" (which he co-wrote), namely Best R&B Song and Best R&B Performance Duo/Group; as well as Best Male R&B Vocal Performance for his #2 hit "Because Of You"; and Record of the Year for Beyoncé's "Irreplaceable" (which he co-produced). Ne-Yo's Grammy recognition followed up the UK's 13th annual MOBO (Music Of Black Origin) Awards in September 2007 - the only televised European Awards Show solely dedicated to urban music and culture - at which he won for Best Song ("Because Of You") and Best R&B Act. Ne-Yo's RIAA platinum debut album In My Own Words was nominated for a Grammy as Best Contemporary R&B Album. It spun off three chart-topping hits, starting late-2005 with his debut Def Jam single, the #1 Grammy-nominated "So Sick," followed by "When You're Mad" and "Sexy Love." Ne-Yo capped 2006 as Male R&B/Hip-Hop Artist of the Year at the Billboard Music Awards. At the The 21st Annual Soul Train Music Awards in February 2007, Ne-Yo won the Coca-Cola Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap new Artist for "Sexy Love." 專輯曲目: 01. Closer 02. Nobody 03. Single 04. Mad 05. Miss Independent 06. Why Does She Stay 07. Fade Into The Background 08. So You Can Cry 09. Part Of The List 10. Back To What You Know 11. Lie To Me 12. Stop This World (JP Bonus Tracks) 01. What's The Matter (JP Bonus Track) (Produced By Chuck Harmony) 02. She Got Her Own (Feat. Jamie Foxx & Fabolous) (JP Bonus Track)(Produced By Butter Beats)

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Raphael Saadiq 拉斐爾沙狄克 - The Way I See It 眼見為憑

Raphael Saadiq 拉斐爾沙狄克
The Way I See It 眼見為憑
發行日期:2008年09月16日 唱片公司:新力博德曼 歌曲風格:R & B 專輯語言:英語 專輯介紹: ◎ 主導 Tony!Toni!Tone! 與 Lucy Pearl 兩大經典團體,Neo-Soul 樂派全方位才子 2008年新作 ◎ 睽違四年第四張錄音作品,肩負起詞曲撰寫 / 製作 / 吉他 + 貝斯 + 鼓 + 鋼琴 + 鍵盤等多項樂器演奏之大任 ◎ 26座葛萊美獎當代傳奇 Stevie Wonder、白人靈魂歌姬 Joss Stone、饒舌巨星 Jay-Z 等齊力助陣 從 Tony!Toni!Tone! 美聲 New Jack Swing / 節奏藍調五人團出生,又經歷 Lucy Pearl 的洗禮,充滿才氣的 Raphael Saadiq 致力於 90年代 Neo-Soul 樂派風潮,與 D'Angelo 共通撰寫歌曲,協助英籍白人靈魂歌姬 Joss Stone 專輯製作,獻上長才至惠妮休斯頓、瑪麗布萊姬、史奴比狗狗、比吉斯、梅茜葛蕾、TLC 等閃亮明星暢銷專輯之中,Raphael 更成立 Pookie Entertainment 廠牌,積極培育新星以及簽下優秀音樂人。 出生加州本名 Charlie Ray Wiggins 的 Raphael,自六歲開始接觸音樂,以貝斯彈奏出現於教堂唱詩班及學校音樂演出。加入黑人美聲代表團之一 Tony! Toni! Tone! 成為主唱,在 1988 ~ 1998 十年間陸續推出四張專輯 + 一張精選,突破超越五百萬的銷售量。1999年結合放克 / 靈魂女子團 En Vogue 的單飛成員 Dawn Robinson,以及嘻哈 / 饒舌組織 A Tribe Called Quest 的 DJ / 製作高手 Ali Shaheed Muhammad 合組夢幻隊伍 Lucy Pearl。2002年終於發行個人大碟《Instant Vintage》,囊括三座葛萊美獎提名。 繼《Ray Ray》專輯後相隔四年之久,帶來第四張錄音室作品《The Way I See It》,Raphael 肩負起詞曲撰寫 / 製作 / 吉他 + 貝斯 + 鼓 + 鋼琴 + 鍵盤等多項樂器演奏之大任。深陷復古場景的開場曲〈Sure Hope You Mean It〉,調勻 Funky-Soul 美妙搖擺律動,輕抹著淡淡鄉村情調;回歸 60 ~ 70年代 Motown 美好的〈100 Yard Dash〉、〈Keep Marchin'〉,捕捉如 The Temptations、Al Green 等相似迷人味覺;一整個舒服陶醉的倒在〈Just One Kiss〉音軌懷裡,特別請到 Joss Stone 客串對唱;〈Calling〉則以西班牙和英文雙語演唱,挾帶屬於拉丁樂種的魅力;增添靈魂爵士風采的〈Oh Girl〉,特別收錄饒舌天王 Jay-Z 助陣之混音版;就連 Stevie Wonder 也來到順暢優選〈Never Give You Up〉中友情助陣,攜手拱出耐人尋味的抒情極品。 專輯曲目: 01. Sure Hope You Mean It 02. 100 Yard Dash 03. Keep Marchin' 04. Big Easy 05. Just One Kiss 06. Love That Girl 07. Calling 08. Staying In Love 09. Oh Girl 10. Let's Take A Walk 11. Never Give You Up 12. Sometimes 13. Oh Girl (Remix featuring Jay-Z)
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The Streets 街頭小子 - Everything Is Borrowed 生不帶來死不帶去

The Streets 街頭小子
Everything Is Borrowed 生不帶來死不帶去
唱片公司:WARNER 發行日期:2008年9月17日 專輯語言:英語 歌曲風格:POP 專輯介紹: 有人叫他「UK Garage 都會詩人」,也有人稱他「UK Garage 未來希望」,但 The Streets 早已經超越這些稱號。這位在全球早已累積超過 380萬張專輯銷售量、曾被無數知名音樂雜誌全力推薦的音樂鬼才,在 2008年終於推出個人第四張原創專輯《Everything Is Borrowed》。在新專輯當中,可以明顯感受到,The Streets 已經走出上張專輯的情緒低潮,在充滿祥和氣氛之中,帶領所有樂迷完成一趟發人深省、魅力十足、幽默慧詰的音樂旅程。 *無數知名音樂雜誌的全力背書,全球累積超過380萬張專輯銷量的全英音樂獎得主,個人第四張原創專輯 *「UK Garage都會詩人」,也有人稱他「UK Garage未來希望」 六年前,這位特立獨行本名為 Mike Skinner 的街頭小子 (The Streets),以銷售大破百萬的首張專輯 "Original Pirate Material" 一鳴驚人,是在那個 UK Garage 熱潮風起雲湧的朝代之後,唯一還能浴火展翅高飛並走出自己風格的怪ㄎㄚ。來自英國伯明罕的他,首張專輯不僅在英國大破百萬銷售,美國各大樂評更是以明日之星的高度肯定,來鼓勵這位敢怒敢言的英國小子,其中 Entertainment Weekly 更是不吝祭出 "年度專輯" 來讚揚,在美國告示牌的電子舞曲專輯榜上更是拿下第二的好成績。2004 發行的第二張專輯 "A Grand Don`t Come For Free",帶著街頭小子走向音樂生涯的下一個高峰,除了銷售大破 2百萬張之外,更在英國金榜拿下冠軍,而專輯中的單曲「Dry Your Eyes」也同時拿下單曲榜冠軍。在發行了兩張出色之作後,街頭小子在接下來的日子,經歷了喪父之痛、賭博慘輸、以及染上毒癮的困擾,對其來說並不是特別好過,甚至可以說是他人生中最黑暗的一段時光,但他依舊帶著一貫的詼諧語調、戲謔節奏,將所有的感受完整展現在其第三張專輯 "The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living" 當中,可說是街頭小子出道以來最私人、最露骨、最有震撼力的一張專輯。 有著桂冠詩人般的文采,以 MC 的說唱態度,呈現出新世代不同的街頭文化現象,有人叫他「UK Garage 都會詩人」,也有人稱他「UK Garage 未來希望」,但「街頭小子」這個名號早已經超越這些稱號。這位在全球早已累積超過 380萬張專輯銷售量、曾被無數知名音樂雜誌全力背書的音樂鬼才,在 2008年年中,終於要推出個人第四張原創專輯 "Everything Is Borrowed"。在新專輯當中,可以明顯感受到,街頭小子已經走出上張專輯的情緒低潮,在充滿祥和氣氛之中,帶領所有樂迷完成一趟發人深省、魅力十足、幽默慧詰的音樂旅程。任何平凡的人、事、物,在街頭小子眼裡都會有著不同的解讀及感受。就像率先曝光提供網路免費下載作品「The Escapist」的音樂錄影帶一樣,這首由街頭小子自己完成拍攝的作品,並由英國南岸一路走到法國海邊,跟著他一同來看自己的人生旅程,絕對會有不同的思考面向。 專輯曲目: 01. Everything Is Borrowed 02. Heaven For The Weather 03. I Love You More (Than You Like Me) 04. The Way Of The Dodo 05. On The Flip Of A Coin 06. On The Edge Of A Cliff 07. Never Give In 08. The Sherry End 09. Alleged Legends 10. The Strongest Person I Know 11. The Escapist
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Nelly 尼力 - Brass Knuckles

Nelly 尼力 - Brass Knuckles
發行日期:2008年9月16日 唱片公司:Universal 專輯語言:英語 歌曲風格:RAP 專輯介紹: 嘻哈天王 尼力 第5張專輯 Grammy award-winning artist Nelly breaks four years of silence with straight hand-to-mic combat on his fifth studio album Brass Knuckles. The St. Louis rapper has sold 30 million albums to date -- and he's approaching his upcoming release with renewed intensity. "When you're the champion you have to psyche yourself into thinking you're the underdog, even if people don't see you as that," Nelly confesses. "Nobody going to give you anything, you got to work hard for what you want. You got to continue to press." Nelly makes his statement in the form of brass-tacks vocal tracks, dance floor anthems and suggestive, seductive slow jams. A master at dynamic collaborations, he's assembled a cast of all-stars to collaborate including Usher, Pharrell, Akon, Ciara, Chuck D, Snoop Dogg, Jermaine Dupri, Ashanti, Avery Storm and the St. Lunatics. "When you hear the energy change, or the tempo switches to a nice flow, it means something," he says. Nelly shows his versatility spitting rhymes with deep, percussive flow, and then switching it up to sing over soulful hooks. Party People: The first single, "Party People," pairs him with Fergie. It's a raucous attention getter, laying the foundation for what's to come - the party is in full swing. "People wonder why I keep the clubs jamming. You can't make a club song if you don't go to the clubs. People always think I'm going out partying, but what I'm doing is seeing what the DJ is spinning. I want to hear and see what's the next thing." Let It Go: Nelly gets dirty, Derrty style, with Pharrell on vocals over the Neptunes' crackly beats. Self Esteem: The vibe changes with "Self Esteem," a fluid, inspirational track featuring Chuck D about staying true in the face of struggle, such as a soldier serving in an unjust war. "There are so many obstacles in life to overcome and as soon as you jump over one, there come another one. But we got to be strong and stay strong." "My all time favorite collaboration is with Chuck D. I heard the track and did the song and I felt something was missing." Public Enemy's "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos" ran through his head. "Before Chuck even heard the song, he was like, I'll do it. That felt so good to me, that he trusted me. He knew that I wouldn't bring him no mess. That's Public Enemy, that's our CNN of hip hop." Long Night: Nelly smoothes it out with Usher on "Long Night" -- an intricate musical cut, stacked with thick harmonies. "Sometimes you do songs with R &B artists and you do your verse, and they sing the hook but this one wasn't like that. This one, we're into the song." Stepped on My J'z: The signature Nelly song featuring Jermaine Dupri and Ciara pays ode to the classic Jordan sneakers. "Shoes are a part of the hip-hop culture. I love my J's. I grew up in that era. I'm part of the reason why Jordan's don't come out on the weekday no more. I used to cut school to get a pair of the new joints" The time away from the spotlight has been wrought with life lessons for Nelly, balancing the personal and the public, with the loss of his sister Jackie in 2005 after a long struggle with leukemia. "That's the biggest thing to ever happen in my life. That was my heart. Everybody deals with pain differently. I am not one that's going to sit in the room and sulk. No one can harm me worse than I can harm myself. It put me in a different place, but it put me in a better place. I see what is now. It's really simple. It's your family. It's your kids. It's the charitable work that you do. It's keeping it real with yourself." While some would've thrown in the towel, Nelly never strayed far from the studio and he continued to grow his business ventures -- the Apple Bottom brand, Skybox a new St. Louis Sports Bar and part ownership of the Charlotte Bobcats -- and philanthropic work through his charities 4 Sho 4 Kids and Jes Us 4 Jackie. Nelly is a man about his business. An award-winning artist who's up for the challenge, primed for battle .....here we go, round five with Brass Knuckles - ding ding. 專輯曲目: 01. U Ain't Him (Feat. Rick Ross) 02. Hold Up (Feat. T.I. & LL Cool J) 03. LA (Feat. Snoop Dogg & Nate Dogg) 04. Long Night (Feat. Usher) 05. Lie (Feat. St. Lunatics) 06. Party People (Feat. Fergie) 07. Self-Esteem (Feat. Chuck D) 08. Body On Me (Feat. Akon & Ashanti) 09. Stepped On My J'z (Feat. Jermaine Dupri & Ciara) 10. Let It Go (Feat. Lil' Mama & Pharrell) 11. One And Only 12. Chill (Feat. St. Lunatics) 13. Who f*cks Wit Me (Feat. Avery Storm) 14. UCUD GEDIT (Feat. Gucci Mane & R. Kelly)
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Crystal Kay 克莉絲朵•凱兒 - Color Change!

Crystal Kay 克莉絲朵•凱兒 - Color Change!
發行日期:2008.08.06 專輯語言:日語 專輯簡介: Crystal Kay 的第8張專輯,邀來國際知名的大牌製作人 JAM & LEWIS 和 Bloodshy and Avant 參與製作。 專輯收入廣告歌「Namida no Saki ni」、《寵物小精靈》最新電影版主題曲「One」等 12首歌曲。 Crystal Kay 的簡介: 本名:Crystal Kay Williams 1986年02月26日出生、横浜出身,父親是美國人而母親是韓國人,二種母語 (英語 + 日語)。 專輯曲目: 01. �ソイわズ ※ITOEN「TULLY'S BARISTA'S SPECIAL」CMЛ⑦ヲ 02. ONE ※劇場版「рンЧЬх⑦ЗУみ ヰьЪュЮシ�空ソ花束 Ёラユт」主題歌 03. Good Times 04. Help Me Out 05. ITOSHIIHITO 06. �ベ道 07. Ьワвロンь 08. TIME GOES BY 09. I Can't Wait 10. Shining ※「地球ゎゆグタモ輝ゑ日。PARCO X'MAS」ЪяжCM曲 11. It's a crime 12. History
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Aki Misato 美郷あき - Here I Am

Aki Misato 美郷あき - Here I Am
發行日期:2008年09月10日 專輯語言:日本語 唱片公司:Lantis 專輯介紹: 2004年 TV アニメ『舞 - HiME』のエンディング主題歌「君が空だった」でデビュー以降、TV アニメ『よみがえる空- RESCUE WINGS-』、『ストロベリー・パニック』 、『ガンパレード・オーケストラ』、 『スーパーロボット大戦 OG ディバイン・ウォーズ』『ブラスレイター』など数々の TV アニメ主題歌を歌い、魅惑のシンガーとして活躍中の"美郷あき"、早くも 3枚目のアルバムの発売です。 今回は、TV アニメ『げんしけん2』オープニング主題歌「disarm dreamer」や TV アニメ『怪物王女』オープニング主題歌「BLOOD QUEEN」をはじめ、更に話題を呼ぶヒット曲を収録。夏の大イベント「アニメロサマーライブ 2008 - Challenge-」にも出演が決定し、益々飛躍する"美郷あき"の魅力が満載された待望のアルバムです。 專輯曲目: 01. 少女迷路でつかまえて 02. disarm dreamer 03. 忘却バタフライ 04. sad rain (album ver.) 05. いまの君が遠くても 06. あの花の咲く頃に 07. BLOOD QUEEN 08. 心に咲く花 09. I lost the place 10. さよならの向こう側で 11. another life 12. here I am
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清水愛 - Nuova Storia

清水愛 - Nuova Storia
專輯名稱:Nuova Storia 歌手姓名:清水愛 發行日期:2008年09月10日 專輯語言:日本語 唱片公司:Lantis 專輯介紹: 人気声優清水愛の音楽は、独自の世界観を打ち出す清水愛的ファンタジックワールド・・・。これまで発表してきた人気楽曲も収録した、フルアルバムは豪華作家陣を迎えて新たな世界感を投入し進化をした世界を披露。清水愛には欠かせない視覚に訴える MusicClip を収録した DVD 付き。また、 DVD には今まで制作してきた Music Clip のメイキングも収録。視覚から聴覚から清水愛のファンタジックワールドに乞うご期待!! 專輯曲目: 01. 針夢廃墟 02. Arachnophobia 03. 記憶薔薇園 04. わたしのおしろ 05. 覚醒ビスク・ドール 06. 置き去りの肖像画 07. 恋する旅行少女 08. さよならは水の国 09. ドッペルローゼ (新曲) 10. 毒と魔女と君と嘘 (新曲) 11. 独白珊瑚 (新曲) 12. NUOVA STORIA (新曲) 01. Kakusei Bisk Doll 02. Kioku Baraen 03. Hariyume Haikyo 04. Nuova Storia 05. Sayonara Ha Mizu No Kuni 06. Doku To Majo To Kimi To Uso 07. Okizari No Shozoga 08. Koi Suru Ryokou Shojyo 09. Watashi No Oshiro 10. Arachnophobia 11. Dokuhaku Sango 12. Dotsuperuroze
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