2008年10月31日 星期五

Autodesk Mudbox 2009

Autodesk Mudbox 2009
Designed by professional artists in the film, games, and design industries, Autodesk Mudbox digital sculpting and texture painting software gives 3D modelers and texture artists the freedom to create without worrying about the technical details. Autodesk Mudbox 2009 combines a highly intuitive user interface with a powerful creative toolset for creating ultra-realistic high-poly 3D models. Breaking the mold of traditional 3D modeling applications, Mudbox 2009 provides an organic brush-based 3D modeling experience that ignites the creative process. Combining an intuitive user interface with a suite of high-performance, creative tools, Autodesk Mudbox digital sculpting and texture painting software offers 3D modeling professionals the ability to quickly and easily create highly detailed organic and inorganic 3D assets. Productivity at Your Fingertips The creativity-enhancing Mudbox feature set is easily accessible to traditional sculptors and to both new and experienced digital artists, enabling users to become productive in hours rather than weeks. Digital sculpting tools mimic the behavior of their real-world counterparts: if you can pinch clay, you can use the tools in Mudbox. Sculpting Paradigm With Autodesk Mudbox you can sculpt 3D models quickly and precisely using fast, high-quality brushes and sculpting tools. Choose from an extensive list of intelligently designed default brushes or quickly tailor them for custom behavior and performance. Sculpt symmetrically on asymmetrical 3D models and quickly add high-quality detail with support for mesh displacement. Multi-resolution Mesh Editing Subdivide a mesh, when you want, where you want, and to what degree you want: advanced subdivision technology gives you the ultimate in polygon mesh control. Plus, innovative streaming technology helps you work quickly and efficiently on even the largest, most face-intensive 3D models and scenes. Texture Baking With its fast, high-quality texture baking capabilities, Mudbox solves one of the most common bottlenecks in game and film production pipelines: baking of normal and displacement maps. Bake high-quality normal and displacement maps between multiple arbitrary meshes: detail can be baked in 8-, 16-, and 32-bit maps. 3D Layers Store different detail passes, libraries of morph targets, and more on multiple layers using the efficient Mudbox layer workflow. 3D layers can be blended, masked, erased, mirrored, and merged, just like layers in a 2D image-editing package. An intelligent, familiar layer user interface helps you quickly duplicate, merge, flatten, group, and reorder layers. Homepage - http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=10707763
Size: 153 Mb
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Size: 156 Mb
Password: www.2baksa.net

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[電玩原聲帶] DJMAX Portable III 打碟攜帶版 3 - Clazziquai Edition 酷懶之味

DJMAX Portable III 打碟攜帶版 3
Clazziquai Edition 酷懶之味
發行時間:2008年10月23日 專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 專輯歌手:原聲大碟 專輯語言:朝鮮語 授權方式:共享版 發行地區:韓國 專輯介紹: 由韓國漢城網游開發商 PENTAVISION 制作發行,預定 2008年秋季發售的音樂游戲大作:《DJ Max Portable》(又譯為《打碟:攜帶版》)系列。該作最早在 2004年誕生於 PC 平臺,並於 2006 和 2007年又相繼在 PSP 上推出攜帶版第一作和第二作,游戲於良好的手感和高素質的音樂和畫面征服過不少喜歡音樂游戲的玩家。在該系列誕生四周年之際,開發商日前終于宣布將會在 PSP 上推出系列的第三部正統續作:《打碟攜帶版 3》(DJ Max Portable Emotional Sense),游戲將由 PSP 掌機平台獨占!同時,本作的官方網站也已開通,並且公布游戲的最新情報和畫面,供各位玩家參考。 此次由 PSP 掌機獨占的《打碟攜帶版 3》(DJMax Portable Emotional Sense),將會推出兩個版本。一個是由 2004年在韓國出道的酷懶之味組合命名的:Clazziquai Edition(酷懶之味版);另一個是純黑色包裝收藏的:Black Square(黑色廣場版)。Clazziquai 這對來自韓國樂壇人氣組合"酷懶之味"最早出道於 2004年年中,團長是擁有古典音樂底子的金成勛,一出道就以首張專輯《快餐豬》(Instant Pig)開創韓國新式古典電子音樂領域,在韓國流行樂壇大放異彩。此次酷懶之味將正式加盟《DJMAX》,並且在 PSP 平臺中的最新版《DJMAX》中為《DJMAX》創作全新的音樂,《酷懶之味版》將使用全新的操作方式,而酷懶之味的組合方式正是以男主唱 + 男主音 + 女主唱的形式進行分工的。這種分工操作的音樂方式更容易被女性玩家及新手玩家所接受。 專輯曲目: Disc 01 - CLAZZIQUAI 01. Flea 02. Come to me 03. Electronics 04. Freedom 05. Creator 06. Love mode 07. Color 08. The Night Stage 09. Eternity 10. Hard to start 11. Y 12. Closer 13. Touch my body 14. Tell me 15. I want you 16. The Clear Blue Sky 17. Melody 18. The Last Dance 19. Honeymoon 20. Oblivion 21. SIN 22. Ask to wind Disc 02 - DJMAX EMOTIONAL SENSE 01. First Kiss 02. To you 03. Lover 04. DARK ENVY 05. Motion 06. proposed, flower, wolf 07. In my Heart 08. JBG 09. Coastal Tempo 10. No way 11. Urban Night 12. Here in the Moment 13. Supersonic 14. Your Own Miracle 15. Teakwonburi 16. Blythe 17. Mutu 18. Every Morning 19. SunnySide 20. Memory of beach 21. DJMAX 22. FATE Disc 03 - SPECIAL 01. First Kiss (Extended Ver) 02. Motion (Extended Ver) 03. Hard to start (Extended Ver) 04. No way (Extended Ver) 05. Tell me (Extended Ver) 06. Coastal Tempo (Extended Ver) 07. Touch my body (Extended Ver) 08. Mutu (Extended Ver) 09. CLOSER (Extended Ver) 10. Elastic Star ~UK Garage Remix~ 11. Syriana 12. PLAY the FUTURE 13. Landscape 14. Title BGM (Mode)

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[電影原聲帶] Bangkok Dangerous 無聲火

[電影原聲帶] Bangkok Dangerous 無聲火
專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 發行時間:2008年09月16日 專輯歌手:Brian Tyler 授權方式:共享版 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 專輯介紹: 身處異國他鄉,面對陌生的面孔、語言和風土人情,更容易經曆不可思議的生活轉變。 作為一個隱姓埋名的美國殺手,喬在去泰國履行一系列的殺人合同時,同樣遭遇了沒辦法預期得到的生命中的轉折。 喬天生擁有做殺手的潛質,他那冷酷無情、不達目的誓不罷休的作風更是讓他在這個行業中小有名氣。 喬這一次來到曼谷,要執行的是 4個人的死亡命令,而花錢雇傭他的人,則是一個更加殘忍的罪犯頭頭甦拉特。 為了保險起見,甦拉特還特別找來一個名叫剛的街頭混混,名義上是供喬差遣,實則是為自己通風報信, 在喬完成任務之后,為了掩蓋其殺人痕跡,好殺喬滅口。 也許命運就喜歡以這種古怪的方式去作弄世人,一直以"獨行俠"自居的喬,卻在和剛相處的過程中不自覺地承擔起了"導師"的責任, 不僅如此,他還愛上了一個在當地的商店里當售貨員的啞女芳……也許是進一步受到了曼谷那容易讓人著迷的異域風情的支配, 喬開始質疑自己的殺手身份,思想上的轉變自然也讓他延誤了這一次背負的暗殺任務,甦拉特毫不猶豫地下達了殺無赦的指令, 他要用喬的死來清理門戶。 本 CD 為此電影的電影原聲,壓縮比特率為 320KBPS,Brian Tyler 的電影原聲走的是現代路線, 電子音樂室里做出的電子音效模擬器的音效效果在他的作品中顯得比較常見。 說句題外話,一部好的電影需要好的演員來演,但是往往在人們入戲的同時,容易被忽略的卻是帶著人們入戲的電影原聲配樂, 我個人很推薦這張電影原聲,看來 Brian Tyler 也算是煞費苦心制作出這麼好的一張作品,還有待大家一同鑒証! 專輯曲目: 01. Bangkok Dangerous (03:13) 02. Assassin (01:45) 03. Bangkok Dangerous Main Title (02:31) 04. Fon's Theme (02:22) 05. The Pupil (02:32) 06. Bangkok Reflections (02:00) 07. Runner (02:47) 08. Pursuit (02:45) 09. Underground Temple (01:45) 10. Prague (04:13) 11. Silent Retribution (04:27) 12. Explosive Device (01:15) 13. Gangland Grenade (02:05) 14. The Hitman (02:08) 15. Elephant (02:10) 16. Rain (01:28) 17. Scooping Out The Hit (02:04) 18. Second Thoughts (02:28) 19. Pool Assassination (02:50) 20. What I Do (03:08) 21. Hide and Seek (01:53) 22. Floating Market (01:37) 23. River Chase (03:55) 24. The Performance (01:22) 25. Bangkok Downtown (02:18) 26. Knife Test (02:46) 27. Fire (03:40) 28. The Meeting (00:54) 29. The Compound Shootout (04:11) 30. Yearning (01:36) 31. Fate (03:29)

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