2008年11月13日 星期四

[電影原聲帶] Changeling 換子疑雲

[電影原聲帶] Changeling 換子疑雲
專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 專輯歌手:Clint Eastwood 發行時間:2008年11月04日 授權方式:共享版 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 資源類型:MP3 專輯介紹: 單身母親克裡斯汀·柯林斯 (安吉莉娜-朱麗 飾演) 和她兒子沃爾特 (加特林·格裡菲斯 飾演) 居住在洛杉磯,他們有著一幢不大不小的房子,克裡斯汀是一家電話公司的老板,手下有無數的女性接線員。 當某天克裡斯汀由於工作而晚歸時,她發現自己的兒子並沒有回家。在長達 5個月的反復尋訪之後,她被告知她的兒子在伊利諾伊州被發現。她被帶去站臺和孩子見面,但是當孩子出現的第一刻起,她就知道這並不是她的兒子。 而以杰杰·瓊斯警官 (杰弗裡·多諾萬 飾演) 為首的警方則對此根本不予理會。盡管沃爾特的同學、牙醫、老師都堅持這並不是本人,但是在場的那個孩子卻堅持說自己就是沃爾特,這也讓克裡斯汀有所感觸,忍不住分神。 專斷的警方認為克裡斯汀產生了錯覺,並且把她關進了精神病院。另一方面,一位一直在電臺裡面布道的牧師古斯塔夫·布裡格拉伯 (約翰·馬爾科維奇 飾演) 認為這是洛杉磯警局腐敗導致的惡果,並且堅決的站在了克裡斯汀一邊。牧師堅持要用克裡斯汀的例子來攻擊當局的腐朽。 而更加把劇情帶上高潮的是一個男孩的証詞,他告訴警方一個可怕而精神失常的男人多次強迫他一起綁架並且殺害了不少男孩,沃爾特就是其中之一。其後運用交切鏡頭,導演把兇殺案審判和市政聽証會兩個重要的事件拼接在一起,把故事引向結尾。 沒有想到 Clint Eastwood 居然 MUSIC BY Clint Eastwood,是導演?是原聲作者?無法解釋... 本 MP3 為該片的電影原聲。 專輯曲目: 01. Main Title (02:00) 02. Ride To School (01:23) 03. Mom's On Call/Late to Trolley (01:39) 04. Looking for Walter/Waiting for Police (01:41) 05. Where Do You Live/Who Are You (02:34) 06. I Want My Son Back (01:53) 07. Arrive At Ranch/Looking for Sanford (02:13) 08. People Can't Change (01:41) 09. We Killed Some Kids (06:19) 10. I Won't Sign It (02:45) 11. Sanford Digs (02:53) 12. Room 18 (00:54) 13. What Is Happening/Trial Montage (01:47) 14. Davey Tells Story (04:38) 15. I Want To Go Home (01:02) 16. End Title (06:18)

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[電影原聲帶] The Express 生命快車

[電影原聲帶] The Express 生命快車
專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 發行時間:2008年10月07日 專輯歌手:Mark Isham 授權方式:共享版 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 資源類型:MP3 專輯介紹: 改編自真實故事。1960年,厄尼戴維斯率領一支大學橄欖球隊奪得國家級比賽冠軍;1961年,他成為首位贏得海斯曼獎的黑人球員。次年,他是美國橄欖球協會選拔賽成績最好的一名選手。然而,命運沒給他成為職業球員的機會,1962年夏天,厄尼戴維斯被查出罹患白血病,不到一年就匆匆離世。丹尼斯奎德飾演戴維斯的教練。 本專輯是這部電影的原聲 CD。 以下內容來自 VC-哈里•菠菜提供的教材內容,有望同行共同理解。 所謂的 Rejected Score,音樂家原本被聘請為某一部電影配樂,但因為種種因素走馬換將,結果音樂家已經完成的作品,最後沒有使用在電影中,如果這些音樂本身其實有不錯的品質(只是不合適這部電影,或者更正確的說,是導演,製片人認為不合適這部電影),客觀情況又許可的話(經費,時間,作品的品質與完整程度等達到一定的條件),這些被導演炒魷魚了的作品還是有可能絕處逢生,發行電影原聲帶,如 h ans zimmer 的《k2》,bernard herrmann 的《沖破鐵幕》,alex north 的《2001年太空漫游》等電影原聲帶,其實都是遭到回絕的原配樂,我們無法在電影�聽到這些作品,但音樂家將這些作品當成個人的創作發表,這樣的原聲帶也常使用 music inspired by motion picture 這個名詞(畢竟叫 Rejected Score 聽起來滿泄氣的),但在創作精神和品質上比上述一些名不符實的專輯高得多.比如 Alex North 的《2001年太空漫游》 專輯曲目: 01. Prologue (01:31) 02. Jackie Robinson (02:06) 03. Elmira (01:57) 04. Lacrosse (02:07) 05. Training (04:17) 06. A Meeting (01:17) 07. A Good Man (05:45) 08. I'm Staying In (01:18) 09. Cotton Bowl (07:36) 10. Don't Lose Yourselves (04:43) 11. Ernie Davis (01:37) 12. Heisman (01:12) 13. Draft (02:35) 14. Rain (01:51) 15. I'm An Optimist (02:46) 16. What Kind Of Bottle (01:49) 17. The Express (05:02)

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[電影原聲帶] Twilight 暮光之城

[電影原聲帶] Twilight 暮光之城
專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 發行時間:2008年11月04日 授權方式:共享版 電影別名:暮色 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 資源類型:MP3 專輯介紹: 根據女作家史蒂芬·梅爾(Stephenie Meyer)暢銷青少年小說改編的電影《暮光之城》(Twilight)將於 2008年11月21日美國上映,該片由凱瑟琳·哈德維克(Catherine Hardwicke)執導,主演包括被認為很有潛力的好萊塢新星克里斯汀·斯圖爾特(Kristen Stewart)以及曾經在《哈利波特與火焰杯》中飾演賽德里克的羅伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)。 《暮光之城》講述了一對苦命鴛鴦的愛情故事,17歲的女主角貝拉·斯旺是一位機智甜美,廣受歡迎的少女,自從搬到一個小城鎮與父親同住后,結識了一個神祕的同班男同學愛德華·卡倫,而這個男同學來自一個殘忍嗜血的吸血鬼家族,貝拉最能吸引他的地方是她身上的特殊香氣 - 他一聞到就想吃她,可又為了愛而拼命壓抑自己的食欲,還要和別的同樣想吃她的吸血鬼爭斗,想盡辦法保護她。 說到原聲帶,這張專輯還未正式推出就已經雄踞亞馬遜銷售榜首好多周,翻開細看,Muse,Linkin Park (雖然沒來中國很失望),paramore,等等一系列都有收錄其中,當然,個人還是覺得 paramore 的比較不錯了。雖然電影還沒出來,不過先聽一下原聲也不錯的。 專輯曲目: 01. Supermassive Black Hole - Muse 02. Decode - Paramore 03. Full Moon - The Black Ghosts 04. Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park 05. Spotlight [Twilight Mix] - Mutemath 06. Go All The Way [Into the Twilight] - Perry Farrell 07. Tremble For My Beloved - Collective Soul 08. I Caught Myself - Paramore 09. Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation 10. Never Think - Rob Pattinson 11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine 12. Bella's Lullaby - Carter Burwell

分享你生命中快樂的事 分享你生命中難過的事 分享你生命中一切的一切 你會發現 分享也是一種獲得
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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~

[電影原聲帶] City of Ember 微光城市

[電影原聲帶] City of Ember 微光城市
專輯歌手:Andrew Lockington 專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 發行時間:2008年11月04日 授權方式:共享版 授權版本:Score 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 資源類型:MP3 專輯介紹: 故事設定在浩劫後的未來,一座設定只能運作 200年的地下城市建成,用於維系人類最後的族群。這個黑暗城市中唯一的照明就是街道上的燈泡。隨著城市運作近 200年,停電次數越來越頻繁,"微光市"裡的居民開始恐慌起來。 少年莉娜和杜恩是一對好朋友,兩人常在如迷宮般的城市地下管道中嬉戲。莉娜偶然發現一份殘破的文件,她和杜恩將它拼湊起來,發現那竟是走出"微光市"的指引!難道在無盡的黑暗之外,另有天地?莉娜和杜恩將竭盡所有勇氣和智慧去解開其中的祕密,從而拯救整個城市……一切必須趕在"微光市"的燈光熄滅之前! 養育了幾代人的"微光城市"可能是人類最後的一個棲息之地了,住在裡面的居民在這個散發著光芒的令人驚奇的世界裡休養生息,處處是一片欣欣向榮的繁華景象。這座城市位於地下很深的地方,是作為人類最後的避難所建立起來的,一切能源都來自於一臺巨大的發電機,它只能為這座城市供應 200年的電力……現在的"微光城市"已經開始步入末路了,壽命慢慢走到盡頭的發電機也隨時都有"罷工"的可能,那些最初十分耀眼的燈光開始搖擺不定,漸漸地微弱了下來。 盡管所有的人都關心著這個被他們深受著的城市的未來命運,可是還在讀書的年輕人卻有著更加迫切需要面對的人生抉擇。"微光城市"所有即將畢業的學生都延續著一個特別的"結業儀式",他們通常管這一天叫"任務分配日",市長會親自站在那裡,通過抓鬮的方式,決定學生們未來的工作,看看他們都將會以什麼樣的方式為這座城市、這個社會奉獻自己餘下的生命:莉娜一直在虔誠地祈禱著,希望可以得到郵遞員的工作,可是她最終卻驚恐地發現自己被分派到了"管道工程組",負責這座地下城市巨大的管道作業;莉娜的同學杜恩·哈羅也有著心儀許久的去處,他想進入城市的"心臟",為發電機做維護工作,可是他卻痛苦地發現自己抽到的是寫著郵遞員的工作簽。 雖然"管道工程組"不能直接接觸發電機,可是工作的范圍卻離得很近,所以杜恩提出與莉娜交換……對於能夠得到自己夢寐以求的工作,莉娜是既恐懼,又充滿感激和渴望,通過這件事,兩個人的心也第一次靠近起來。 當上了郵遞員的莉娜,很快就發現自己幾乎跑遍了"微光城市"的大街小巷,為重要的人傳遞著更加重要的信件,包括市長本人……回到家中,她還要照顧已經上了年紀而且非常健忘的祖母,以及年紀尚小的妹妹波比。無意中,莉娜在家裡的儲藏室發現了一個老舊的金屬盒子,祖母非常肯定地告訴她,這個盒子裡隱藏著一個有關這座城市的終極祕密,可是健忘的她卻怎麼也想不起來這個祕密的具體內容了。 莉娜撬開了鐵盒上已經�跡斑斑的鎖,發現裡面盡是一些古老的文件,由於沒辦法把這些分散的紙張按順序歸攏到一起,莉娜怎麼也弄不明白裡面到底傳達了一個什麼樣的信息,這個時候,她想到了杜恩。 由於能源即將用盡,"微光城市"的燈火管制越來越頻繁,莉娜和杜恩意識到盒子裡的文件很可能會拯救他們這個已經漸顯疲態的城市和居民……現在,他們需要做的就是與時間進行賽跑,伴隨著線索一點點被揭開,莉娜和杜恩聰明地用計謀與那些腐敗的政客周旋,他們最終的目的,就是重建"微光城市"中的照明體系,恢復這個城市賴以生存的能源。 關於本片原聲介紹: A lavish sci-fi fantasy based on the novel by Jeanne Duprau, City of Ember is the second film from director Gil Kenan, following his animated 2006 debut, Monster House. The film stars Saoirse Ronan and Harry Treadway as Lina and Doon, two teenagers who live in the underground city of Ember, built several centuries previously when the surface of the Earth was left uninhabitable by an unspecified disaster. Lina and Doon begin to discover some dark secrets about Ember: the city is crumbling, both physically and morally, and the corrupt mayor Cole (Bill Murray) doesn't seem to care. Taking the advice of several similarly disillusioned inhabitants of Ember, Lina and Doon take it upon themselves to escape from Ember, and a way back to the surface. The film, which also stars Mackenzie Crook, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Martin Landau and Tim Robbins, boasts dazzling production design and special effects, and features an original score by up-and-coming Canadian composer Andrew Lockington. Originally, City of Ember was to be scored by Kenan's composer on Monster House, Douglas Pipes, but for whatever reason Pipes' score was rejected and Lockington came in to replace him. If Lockington truly was a late addition to the post-production crew, it would go some way to explaining why City of Ember is not quite the score it could have been: while still enjoyable, it has the slight feeling of being just a little bit rushed, a little bit last-minute, and never truly comes across as being as well-structured as some of Lockington's other works, such as Skinwalkers or Journey to the Center of the Earth. Having said that, there is still a great deal to admire in City of Ember. Lockington's mastery of using a full orchestra is still apparent, as is his knack for writing memorable main themes. The theme from City of Ember, first heard in the"Main Title", is a typically strident and noble affair, full of dramatic horn chords and string string writing. The presence of Nicholas Dodd in the orchestrations and wielding the baton is also quite evident; some of the little touches and flourishes are obviously his work, as they carry over from the scores he orchestrated for David Arnold, Mychael Danna and Clint Mansell in recent years. The bulk of the score, however, tends to be a tiny bit repetitive. The actual writing is fine, and some of the touches in instrumentation, or orchestral color, or performance technique, are quite superb. The problem, really, is that it seems to over-rely on performances of the main theme in every cue. It's almost as though Lockington, in a valiant effort to give the score a sense of itself and an internal structure, decided to base almost every musical moment around his main theme, with the hope that having such an obvious core element would give it a cohesive flow. Unfortunately, and while the theme in itself is very good, the end result comes across as a one-idea score. As I mentioned before, this is quite likely a time thing: Lockington likely had so little time to invest in the creation of a sonic world for City of Ember, he just took his impressive orchestral know-how and through-composed. Having said that, there are still several moments of musical excellence that are worth picking out. The main secondary theme, for"Lina Mayfleet"is a little more sprightly and energetic, making use of a more lyrical string element underpinned by a staccato piano motif and flighty woodwinds. Its second performance, at the beginning of"Job Exchange"is a nice continuation of the melodic content, while the tremulous pianos underpin several other cues, notably"Message for Clary", where they come across like rapid-fire Morse code, filtered through John Adams. There is also a great deal of impressive dissonance and throbbing action material, some of which includes a prominent ticking synth undercurrent, and the bulk of which makes up the score's finale. Cues such as"Tunnels"and"Room 351"see the main theme is restated in a powerful action setting complete with choir, while"Map and Mole"has the string writing going into frantic overdrive. Later, cues such as"Fugitives"and"Loris's Bike"are wonderfully vigorous and exciting, and as the score builds to its conclusion, through the stirring"Clockworks", the thunderous"Control Room"and the dark, dramatic"Water Wheel", you begin to feel a real sense of scope and emotion in Lockington's writing. The penultimate cue,"Escape to Sunrise", is a beautiful, poignant restatement of the main theme with an angelic choir accompanying it; the finale,"One Last Message", is one of those overpoweringly heroic pieces with powerful major-key chord progressions which run tingles down the listener's spine. It may seem that my review is at odds with itself; on the one hand, I'm criticizing it for over-reliance on a single theme, whereas on the other hand I'm praising it for being stirring and powerful and impressive, and giving it four stars. The truth of the matter is that I'm actually a little torn: there's no doubt that City of Ember, taken at face value, has a lot going for it, and will undoubtedly bring more fans into Andrew Lockington's camp, especially having composed Journey to the Center of the Earth in 2008 as well. The thing is, I just can't help this nagging little feeling that, had Lockington been on board the project from day one, and had he been given more time to work on his musical world, and not just simply be content to provide dozens of (admittedly very impressive) variations on the same theme, it might have been better still. Running Time: 71 minutes 41 seconds 專輯曲目: 01. Main Titles (3:30) 02. Lina Mayfleet (1:30) 03. Assignment Day (2:19) 04. Job Exchange (2:29) 05. Blue Sky (1:10) 06. First Day (2:07) 07. Message for Clary (0:52) 08. Tunnels (6:59) 09. The Mayor (2:01) 10. The Box of Ember (2:52) 11. Blackout (1:57) 12. Map and Mole (4:58) 13. Room 351 (3:11) 14. Proof (4:32) 15. Fugitives (3:08) 16. Loris' Bike (4:04) 17. Interlocking Keys (0:42) 18. Clockworks (5:42) 19. Control Room (4:36) 20. Water Wheel (2:53) 21. The Mayor Retreats (1:08) 22. Stalagmite Trance (0:48) 23. Escape to Sunrise (4:58) 24. One Last Message (3:05)

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[電影原聲帶] Fly Me To The Moon 帶我去月球

Fly Me To The Moon
專輯類別:音樂 / 原聲音樂 專輯歌手:Ramin Djawadi 發行時間:2008年 授權方式:共享版 發行地區:美國 專輯語言:英語 專輯介紹: 日常生活中,被定位為"四害"之首的蒼蠅卻意外地成為動畫電影中的主角。該片故事講述三隻憨態可掬的蒼蠅好友,奈特、IQ 以及斯庫特,一直夢想著要完成一下驚天動地的大事,因為在它的家族史裡,曾留下蒼蠅祖父爺爺阿莫斯"飛躍大西洋"的壯舉。如此光輝偉大的英雄事跡一直激勵著奈特想要去冒險的心。當聽說有人類要在佛羅里達州的火箭發射基地有一艘名為"阿波羅 11號"的飛船要飛向遙遠的月球時,奈特便想到了要做一個首個登陸月球的蒼蠅,為自己的家族史再創輝煌。於是,他找來兩位死黨 IQ 和斯庫特,一同計劃著如何搭上人類的便車"阿波羅 11號"…… 盡管三隻好友最終成功搭載人類的火箭上了太空,但來自敵對勢力的俄國蒼蠅也趁機向他們發起了挑戰。一場美俄蒼蠅登月競賽轟轟烈烈地展開了…… Ramin Djawadi 最近涉獵的配樂領域越來越廣了,這部 3D 動畫片配樂與以往的配樂風格有所不同,擯棄了自己以往擅長的濃重的電子味,改用大編制的管弦樂團,可能也是跟本片的太空題材有關吧!個人覺得是近期 Ramin Djawadi 非常不錯的作品,大家可以聽聽看。 專輯曲目: 01. Cape Canaveral (01:33) 02. Junkyard Dreams (01:41) 03. Amelia Earhart (02:07) 04. Nat Convinces Friends (02:14) 05. Phase I / Sneaking into Nasa (03:20) 06. Phase II / Mission Control (00:58) 07. Phase III / Launch Prep (01:56) 08. Lift Off (01:15) 09. Blue Danube (02:18) 10. Waltz in Space (01:09) 11. I Did It Grandpa (02:33) 12. From Russia with Love (02:33) 13. Saving the Mission (03:53) 14. In Space (02:25) 15. Contaminants on Board (03:51) 16. Manual Landing (03:33) 17. Moon Walk (04:53) 18. Nadia (00:54) 19. Russian Operatives (04:20) 20. Saving Scooter (02:19) 21. Grandpa to the Rescue (01:57) 22. Cold War (03:41) 23. Back to Earth (01:51) 24. Homecoming (01:47)

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Enrique Iglesias - Greatest Hits 豪華版

Enrique Iglesias - Greatest Hits
[Deluxe, CD + Bonus track] 豪華版
Release Date: 11 November 2008 發行時間:2008年11月11日 專輯類別:音樂 / 歐美流行 軌曲數:18 Tracks 壓縮比特率:320k 專輯容量:112Mb 專輯語言:English 授權方式:共享版 音樂風格:POP 音樂格式:MP3 專輯簡介: 全地球都知道的拉丁情歌王子,97年那首 hero 聽的我那個蕩氣回腸 Enrique Iglesias 有著西班牙人獨有的深邃的雙眸,冷峻而又性感的臉龐, 富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂顛倒的舞臺風格,使無數女性為之傾倒。 "聽 Enrique 的歌曲,能感覺到許多新的拉丁音樂元素,"《波士頓環球報》 這樣評論道:"他將拉丁音樂流行化,但又不使它們喪失拉丁韻味;如果他與 Billy Joel、Phil Colins 和 Bryan Adams 等不同風格的歌手同臺演出的話,也不會顯得格格不入。"Enrique 的制作人 Brian Rawlings 和 Rive Droite 也異口同聲稱贊他是最具潛質的藝人:"沒準,他將成為下一個 George Michael!" After the success of his Spanish Greatest Hits compilation, it has been reported that Iglesias will release an English version on November 11th The album will include "Can You Hear Me" as well two new songs. The first single is entitled "Away" ft Sean Garrett and will be released on radio soon, the other new track is called "Takin' Back my Love" and features Ciara Articles on the album have stated that the complilation will likely include the five English songs such as "Bailamos", "Hero", "Be With You", "Not In Love" and "Escape" which have topped the various Billboard Charts (two of which on Hot 100) as well as songs such as Rhythm Divine, Push and Do You Know (The ping pong song) which have also topped charts in Europe. Track list 專輯曲目 : 01. Bailamos 02. Away featuring Sean Garrett 03. Hero 04. Be With You 05. Takin' Back My Love 06. Rhythm Divine 07. Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song) 08. Tired Of Being Sorry 09. Escape 10. Could I Have This Kiss Forever 11. Not In Love 12. Don't Turn Off The Lights 13. Love To See You Cry 14. Maybe 15. Addicted 16. Somebody's Me 17. Can You Hear Me Bonus: 18. Hero (Christopher Lawrence Remix)
Enrique Iglesias - Greatest Hits (Deluxe)_Part1_RF下載 http://www.rayfile.com/files/ff40c8fd-afcd-11dd-8ae2-0014221b798a/
Enrique Iglesias - Greatest Hits (Deluxe)_Part2_RF下載 http://www.rayfile.com/files/e9bccef0-afce-11dd-a3b4-0014221b798a/

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