2008年12月20日 星期六

Jessica Mauboy - Been Waiting (R&B)

Jessica Mauboy - Been Waiting
專輯流派:R&B / pop / soul
音樂風格: 流行
地區: 澳大利亞
語言: 英語
Jessica Mauboy,1989年8月4日出生于澳大利亞有印度尼西亞血統,是"Australian Idol"(澳洲偶像)第四季度的亞軍.2007年她替代前成員Ricki-Lee Coulter加入組合"Young Divas"並參與錄制了專集,她們首支單曲"Turn Me Loose"就是Mauboy唱的。2008下半年Mauboy經過深思熟慮決定退出組合,全心全意開始個人事業。澳洲女子組合"Young Divas"可謂多災多難,僅僅成立不到2年多就接連遇成員退出重組。首個單飛的成員Ricki-Lee Coulter一直被業內認為是組合中最有發展潛力的歌手事后証明她的确如人士看好那樣。當然Mauboy也完成了心愿順利推出了個人的首張大碟"Been Waiting",前程逐漸光明。
將于2008年11月22日推出的處女作"Been Waiting"專輯,Mauboy創作了大部分作品,充分顯示了自己非凡的創作功底。最值得一提的是首支單曲和美國知名說唱歌手Flo Rida合唱的"Running Back"于9月發行在iTunes Pop Chart上取得了冠軍的驕人成績!專輯很是推荐,剛听一首就對整張充滿好感和期待,"Running Back","Been Waiting","Time After Time","Back2u"這些歌曲耐听等級可達5星級以上,一直感覺Mauboy的聲音與Paula DeAnda有很多相似之處,黑人特有的唱腔和把握節奏情感的功力向來是公認的。華麗的顫音,充滿爆發力的High Key將會給你留下深刻的印象。

Australian pressing of the 2008 sophomore album from this Aussie sensation. Jessica Mauboy was first introduced to the Australian public as the runner up of Australian Idol 2006. In 2007, she became part of the multi platinum Pop act Young Divas. Features the first single 'Running Back'. Sony/BMG.

01. Running Back Feat. Flo Rida
02. Been Waiting
03. Burn
04. Used2b
05. Empty
06. Because
07. To The Floor (No Rap)
08. Time After Time
09. Back2u
10. Up/Down
11. Let Me Be Me

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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~

¯u³¥´f¨½µæ - ???-??? (¤é)

真野惠里菜 - ラララ-ソソソ
(Lalala Sososo) Limited Edition
→「Pocky 4sisters! ~出せない手紙~」腳本由中江有里、加藤淳也撰寫
木所四姊妹則是分別由大政絢 (長女) 真野恵里菜 (次女) 岡本杏理 (三女) 金井美樹 (四女) 飾演
日劇於 12/10日已經可以搶先在手機收看囉~ 12/27日則是開始於電視播出!!
擔任次女的真野恵里菜將於 12/13日推出第三張單曲「ラララ-ソソソ」喜歡她的朋友勿錯過喲~
相關網站 http://pocky.jp/event/4sisters/index.html

真野恵里菜のニューシングル「ラララ-ソソソ」が 12月13日にリリースされることになった。
2nd シングル「ラッキーオーラ」から 2カ月ぶりに発表される本作。
前作同様に三浦徳子が作詞、KAN が作曲、たいせい(シャ亂Q)が編曲を手がけたポップチューンに仕上がっている。
12月13日に橫浜 BLITZ にて開催の「ファンクラブ會員限定!
真野恵里菜 応援企畫第3弾 真野 FRIENDS PARTY vol.3」會場にて販売が開始される。
真野惠里菜的新單曲「ラララ-ソソソ」將會在 12月13日開始發售。
與之前的作品一樣是由三浦徳子的作詞,KAN 的作曲,たいせい(射亂Q)的編曲,是一首流行曲風的作品。
12月13日在横浜 BLITZ 開始的「歌迷會會員限定!
真野恵里菜的第三個支持活動 真野 FRIENDS PARTY vol.3」的會場會開始發售!
在這之後,也有可能可以在 Hello! project 的官方店舖買到。

真野恵里菜 応援企画第3弾 真野FRIENDS RARTY vol.3」の会場にて販売を開始します!

姓名:真野 惠里菜 (真野 恵里菜、マノ エリナ、MANO ERINA)
暱稱:まのえり (MANOERI)
Hello! Project Egg (2006/11 ∼ 2008/03/29)
音樂 GATAS (音楽 ガッタス) (2007/06/19 ∼ 2008/03/02)
1. マノピアノ (2008年06月29日)
2. ラッキーオーラ (2008年10月04日)
3. ラララ- ソソ (2008年12月13日)
加入Hello! Project Egg 成為二期成員。
06月19日 - 宣佈加入音樂 GATAS 及推出單曲鳴り始めた恋の Bell。
03月02日 - 宣佈於音樂 GATAS 及 Hello! Project Egg 中卒業,成為 SOLO 歌手。

1. ラララ-ソソソ
2. ラララ-ソソソ (Instrumental)


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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~

school food punishment - Riff-rain (¤é) POP

school food punishment - Riff-rain
專輯発売:2009/01/14 (預約商品)
某 BS ドラマのオープニング曲が気になってて !
初聴きですが 1曲目の『flow』のサビから もう 圧倒的で ☆☆☆
かよわくも クールで 野蛮で 透明度高い ボーカルが
ある瞬間 一挙に 溢 れ で る 苛烈な エレガンス で パッショネイトに 疾走する !!
繊細 野蛮で ノーブルな、 真 に 美 的 な エレクトリックポップ☆
あと 4曲目の「killer」も 戦慄的☆☆☆
ヅキヅキと 欲望 疼かせる コトバの響きが 畳みかけて 強烈で 、 やみつきになります☆
とにかく 魅惑的な、 超逸品ですよ。

school food punishment、1年ぶりとなる待望の 3rd.アルバム リリース!!
BS-iドラマ「女子大生會計士の事件簿」オープニングテーマ曲「feedback」、エンディングテーマ曲「二人海の底」を含む、全 6曲収録。

幻想的な世界観を電気仕掛けで鳴らす先鋭的ロック・バンド、school food punishmentのサード・ミニ・アルバム。
2009年01月放送の TBS ドラマ「女子大生会計士の事件簿」主題歌2曲、他を収録。
1. flow
2. feedback
3. egoist
4. killer
5. 二人海の底
6. over


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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~

NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition v3.0.684

NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition v3.0.684
ESET NOD32 Antivirus System - Integrated, Real-Time Protection against viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, phishing, and hackers. Best detection, fastest performance & smallest footprint.

NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.
ESET solutions are built on ESET's one-of-a-kind ThreatSense technology. This advanced heuristics engine enables proactive detection of malware not covered by even the most frequently updated signature-based products by decoding and analyzing executable code in real time, using an emulated environment. By allowing malware to execute in a secure virtual world, ESET is able to clearly differentiate between benign files and even the most sophisticated and cleverly-disguised malware.
Users of Microsoft® Windows® can experience the power and elegance of NOD32's ThreatSense Technology with ease and comfort. Our single optimized engine offers the best protection from viruses, spyware, adware, phishing attacks, and more. Keep tomorrow's threats at bay with our proactive detection technology.
Unique to ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0:
• Hands-on service – All ESET customers receive the same level of excellent technical support service, whether an individual computer user or an SMB.
• Ease of installation – ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0 scanning engines are quick and easy to install, no matter what solution is currently running.
• Advanced threat protection network – ESET solutions are backed by ThreatSense.Net, a global early warning system built into the products. ThreatSense.Net extends the power of ThreatSense's powerful analytics by automatically submitting samples of and information about new malware to ESET researchers for analysis, thus helping to close the window of vulnerability opened by new threats.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware:
• This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winning scanning engine of NOD32 Antivirus v2.7. With respect to program's unprecedented scanning speed, the following improvements have been made:
• Improved system of cleaning and deleting infiltrations. The antivirus system now intelligently cleans and deletes infiltrations with no need for user interaction.
• Computer scan can be run in background in order to use only a part of system resources. Thus scanning will not affect the
performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual.
• The resident protection supports archive scanning.
• Update optimization, smaller update package size than in version 2.7, more effective management and protection of update files against damage.
• Email protection for users of Outlook Express.
ESET's new solutions are ideal for the small-to-medium size business environment. By incorporating ESET's Remote Administrator, both ESET Smart Security and the new version of ESET NOD32 Antivirus can be deployed and managed remotely from a central location.
Changes in version 3.0.684:
• stability and security fixes
NOD32 Antivirus Home Edition v3.0.684 (Eng) - 32 bit :
NOD32 Antivirus Home Edition v3.0.684 (Eng) - 64 bit:
NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition v3.0.684 (Eng) - 32 bit :
NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition v3.0.684 (Eng) - 64 bit:
ESET NOD32 Antivirus v3.0.684 x86 (Retail Business Edition)
FULL Retail + NodLogin v9.7 + NE - Tested WTG

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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~

ESET Smart Security Business Edition v3.0.684

ESET Smart Security Business Edition v3.0.684
The ideal security solution for businesses with anywhere from 5 to 100,000+ workstations. In addition to the full-feature set of the Home Edition, ESET Smart Security: Business Edition includes a Remote Administrator and a LAN update "mirror" to easily monitor and update workstations. With a personal firewall, antispam, and the same antivirus and antispyware protection delivered by ESET NOD32® Antivirus, ESET Smart Security is the most comprehensive defense against Internet threats.
These threats come in many forms. In fact, by the time you finish reading this sentence, approximately 70 new variants of malware-viruses, trojans, worms, rootkits, spyware, and more-will have been released.
Systems Requirements:
Processors supported: 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) Intel®, AMD® or 100% compatible
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 2000,
Microsoft Windows XP (32 and 64-bit editions),
Microsoft Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit editions)
Memory: 33 - 38 MB on average
Disk Space (download): 16MB
Disk Space (installation): 78MB
Release: 18.12.2008
Lang: English
Size: x86 - 27,3 Mb / x64 - 28,6 Mb
Keys incl.

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真的要去討厭一個人的時候 先想想他的好唄~