2009年4月8日 星期三

[³nÅé] Real Desktop v1.49 Standard ¶W«Ó 3D ¥ßÅé®à­±

Real Desktop v1.49 Standard
超帥 3D 立體桌面
OS: XP/Vista
Size: 7.89 Mb
Language: English
In this version, you can enjoy advanced-functionality. Customize the design of real-desktop by selecting your personal wallpaper as a wall-image, use advanced features such as the re-sizing icons, drop files into folders, change the camera angle and much more!
# Functionality
* Change the size of the icons
* Automatically rotate icons into normal orientation
* File names automatically fade in/out
* Show or hide filenames
* Move files directly into folders
* Positions backup of desktop icons
* Drag & Drop
# Performance
* Support for Multiple Monitors
* 3D Sound
* Antialiasing option
* No performance loss when icons are at rest
* Uses very few resources
* Very efficient, thanks to the "Reality Engine"
# Design
* Reflective surfaces
* Several wastebasket styles
* Different themes
* Icons surfaces reflect the rest of the environment
* Choose any wallpaper to display as a picture on the wall, which is displayed full-screen with inactivity
* Different background and icon styles
* Integrate your own graphics
* Advanced lighting settings

pass: www.2baksa.net

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